Schon gewusst,
dass 80% aller Menschen
dysfunktional atmen?
Die Qualität unserer Atmung
definiert die Qualität unseres Lebens
Ohne es zu merken, versetzen wir unseren Körper und Geist in einen ungewollten "Fight-or-Flight"-Modus. Daraus resultiert Stress, der Risikofaktor für 75 bis 90% aller Krankheiten ist.
Unsere Atmung wirkt sich auf jeden Aspekt unserer Gesundheit aus – Schlaf, Verdauung, Bewegung, geistiges Wohlbefinden, Schmerzen und Genesung. Das Loslassen von dysfunktionalen Mustern ist eine kraftvolle Ressource mit erstaunlichem Potenzial zur Verbesserung des Lebensqualität - einfach, kostenlos und für jeden zugänglich.
Jeden Tag atmen wir 25.000 mal - ein und aus. In einem Jahr sind es 9 Millionen Ein- und Ausatmer. Im Laufe eines Lebens summiert sich das auf etwa 700 Millionen Atemzüge. Also lohnt es sich doch, die meisten davon richtig zu machen – stimmt's?
One Month Online Program
Science Of Stretching™ is a breath-based practice that delivers measurable results. Our clients will improve their flexibility, reduce stress and enjoy long-lasting results.
Our one-month "Targeted Flexibility Training" program is designed as a step-by-step course with daily exercises you can do before bed to systematically regain your flexibility. This course is perfect for all ability levels: from absolute beginners to trained athletes.
Our unique "tandem" concept of two certified instructors enhances the live experience of the course but also the safety for online clients with different training levels:
One trainer is demonstrating each pose and offers individual modification options
One trainer is guiding throughout the session and supervises online participants.
4 weeks of practice
1 hour per week live sessions via Zoom
E-reminders 1 hr & 5 min before session
15 min daily practice for 5 days/week
Training sheets for self-paced learning
Optional warm-ups prior to course
Answers to questions by certified trainers
Can't make live class? No problem. We are recording and publishing so you can practice at your own time and pace
Smartphone or tablet
Telegram or WhatsApp
Yoga mat, blocks or cushion, strap or belt
Huge flexibility gains
Deep relaxation
Tension release
Improved sleep
Travel in comfort
Improved circulation
Reduce back, neck
and body pains
Less athletic injury
Anyone with flexibility limitations:
Stiff office workers
Yoga enthusiasts
Busy parents
Our upcoming classes
Materials you will receive
Get your own mini-workbook with the science behind passive stretching, benefits of stretching, links to self-assessments videos and worksheets to track your progress. Format: Online PDF Workbook
Print this out or simply access it from your phone or computer for quick reference in your daily stretches. Many people find that after a while, they still use the videos, but sometimes they just grab this handy pose chart. Format: Online PDF worksheet”
Keep track of your training progress and stay motivated when measuring your improvement. Always great to see the “Before and After” effect. Format: Interactive PDF worksheet.
Anyone can become "Wow" flexible. What most people would consider extreme flexibility - Splits, Full Lotus, Wheel pose - is actually just natural Basic Range of Motion (bROM). If you doubt this, spend an afternoon with any six-year-old kid and you’ll realize that we were all naturally flexible, we’ve just lost it. The ‘wow’ factor shouldn’t be a wow at all. It should just be normal, but we’ve all let ourselves get to a ridiculous state of inflexibility, where basic tasks, such as bending over, become painful or impossible.
It's never too late: Ask yourself, “What if first thing in the morning, I could bend over and put the palms of my hands flat on the floor in a forward bend?” What if you could sit cross-legged with no back support for an hour in the middle of a room without any discomfort? What if you could do a full backbend with your arms straight, or clasp your hands behind your back in a shoulder stretch?
All of those movements seemed impossible to us when we started with our flexibility journey, but we now know that they are basic movements that can be relearned by anyone who is willing to set aside 15 minutes a day for flexibility training.
NOTE: Science of Stretching™ has nothing in common with warm-up stretches, dynamic or ballistic stretching you probably learned in physical education class as a kid. This is intense, measured flexibility training that targets specific areas of the body, and you’ll immediately feel the difference.
Why flexibility matters
Most students we work with today are frustrated because they have lost their basic range of motion, such as the ability to bend forward at the hips, squat down deeply, or clasp their hands behind their back. By the time most people reach adulthood, not only have they stopped playing like a kid, they’ve lost the functional flexibility required to squat and lift a box or a child from the floor, hang from monkey bars, cross their legs while sitting on the floor, and move freely in their favorite sports.
The good news is you can regain your lost flexibility (and often much, much more), and the benefits you’ll experience go way beyond the yoga mat.
Here’s why flexibility matters:
Less Athletic Injury. Let’s be clear: tight muscles don’t cause injuries, poor movement patterns do. When you’re tight and imbalanced, your body creates workarounds that get you into trouble. For example, people with tight hips and hamstrings often externally rotate their hips and swing their legs when they walk or run. People with tight psoas muscles often sway their back and stick out their bum. People with tight shoulders are often in a constant hunch. These imbalances lead to lower back, neck, and knee injuries, among others. The number one reason people stop running, going to the gym, or doing the activities they love is that they get hurt and lose momentum. Once you stop exercising, many people never get back to it. The good news is that with an intelligent self-care flexibility training regimen, you can move toward a balanced body and reduce your risk of injury for life.
Reduce Back, Neck, and Body Pains. Joint pain, muscle soreness, and cramping can be reduced (and even eliminated) with functional mobility training. Your body is designed to express itself with a wide range of motion, and the more you tap into those all-natural patterns, the more the aches and pains of sedentary life fade. Many are surprised to learn that lower back pain is often a result of tight hip flexors, that neck pain can be due to locked-up shoulders, and that their hamstrings can trigger dozens of aches in the body.
Be More Active. Whether you’re passionate about yoga, skiing, mountain biking, or just being able to throw a frisbee around in the park, when your body is open and limber, everything works and feels better. Movement becomes fun again.
Improved Circulation. Many people assume heart strength is the only factor affecting circulation, but this is an oversimplification. Your body’s vascular system is huge and its capillaries are so vast and so tiny that they are constantly affected by your movements (or lack thereof). Since stiffness is often systemic, the tightness in the backs of your legs could indicate you have impaired circulation to your extremities and connective tissues. Flexibility training unblocks stuck areas and helps to naturally improve whole-body circulation.
​Travel in Comfort. A huge part of the discomfort you experience from long car and airplane rides is due to poor mobility. When you regain your natural flexibility, it becomes easier and more comfortable to sit for long stretches of time—and yes, even cross-legged on the floor.
​Improved Sleep. Muscle cramps, poor posture, and abnormal breathing patterns can be greatly reduced with proper pre-bed stretching exercises. Many find that with just 15 minutes of flexibility training before bed, they sleep deeper and wake up refreshed.
Tone Your Nervous System. When your nerves are blocked by shortened tissues, it can physically impair the free flow of electrical energy throughout your body. Conversely, when you increase your flexibility, you turn your body into a superconductor for energy. This can improve proprioception everywhere, but the most profound benefits are often experienced in the hands, feet, wrists, and shoulders
This is why our clients are so passionate about flexibility: